Why Delhi choked with heavy air pollution in every winter season

Delhi Choked with Heavy Air Pollution in every winter season
As AQI crosses 450 it becomes more important to discuss the issue.Causes of air pollution is more identified and clear picture of unavoidable reasons which really a huge risk for childrens and elderly . every years almost 30 thousand people losing their life due to Pollution and Delhi pollution gives smoke equal to 30 sigurites for every single person living in Delhi.Life expectancy is also lowered by 12 years of every Delhites . Dense fog restricting people to stay inside the room . it is equally unhealthy for people exercising outdoors.
What are the reasons of Delhi Pollution .
Reason behind Delhi Pollution is divided in 3 parts .
First Reason Unfavourable weather condition – AS wind direction is flowing from northeast of Delhi to south west and it carries part of dust and hazardous particle .generally atmospheric temperature of upper layer gets down as it goes up but winter and inversion trigger temperature to rise of upper layer, and this warm upper layer above middle cold layer restrict pollutant particles in trap , things getting more worse as Delhi only getting rain in monsoon season , that could bring good hope for clean and clear breathe. Rain actually washes away all the particles of dust that’s how it helps.

Second Reason Is residual burning – Every years after yield of crop in Mansoon season farmers of Punjab and Haryana clear their farms by burning crop residue to make it available hastily for next season crop .the whole smoke spread over in Delhi with slow wind . The smoke from burning crop residue contains harmful pollutants such as particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides. These pollutants disperse in the surroundings and eventually affect air quality and people’s health by forming a thick blanket of smog. Controlled human exposure studies have demonstrated that experimental SO2 exposure causes changes in airway physiology, including increased airways resistance. Both acute and chronic exposure to carbon monoxide are associated with increased risk for adverse cardiopulmonary events, including death.

Third and final Reason is Vehicle emission and industrial emission- Vehicle emission is not new but with the pace Delhi rose in Fuel based vehicle in last 20 years , its transport emission also increased which curve pollution to increased much faster than fossil fuel based transportation increased. vehicles contributed around 25% of the PM2. 5 concentration. The daily share of vehicular emissions ranged from around 49.3% to 53% over the week. Carbon monoxide emission was found to be 799.023 gigagrams, with transport contributing 540.1 gigagrams to this, while emission of nitrogen oxides was 488.963 gigagrams in 2020, with the transport sector contributing 342.65 gigagrams to this Year.

These pollutants are believed to directly affect the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In particular, high levels of Sulphur Dioxide and Suspended Particulate Matters are associated with increased mortality, morbidity and impaired pulmonary function.
What is the government doing for pollution in Delhi?

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